Valeria Ribeiro Corossacz

Decolonial feminisms: practices and knowledge

23 March 2023 | Sala Napoleonica, State University of Milan | Via Sant’Antonio 12


This conference will propose a path of reflection on the epistemological foundations of decolonial feminisms, with the aim of recognising racism, whiteness, sexism, androcentrism and class privilege, and how these condition the production of knowledge, particularly in the university. By recovering the historical framework in which the concept of power-coloniality was born, and through dialogue with the collective work of several feminists in Abya Yala, the forms in which the decolonial project can be ‘domesticated’ and thus the importance of practices will be observed.


Valeria Ribeiro Corossacz is Associate Professor of Cultural Anthropology and Ethnography at the University of Roma Tre. She graduated from the University of Siena and holds a D.E.A. in Anthropology from the École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales in Paris, where she completed her Ph.D. in Social Anthropology/Ethnology under the supervision of the University of Siena (Doctorate in Ethno-anthropological Research Methodologies). Since 1996 she has been conducting field research in Brazil on issues related to the intersection of racism, sexism and class inequalities. She has been particularly interested in issues of reproductive health, racial classification in institutional documents, everyday life and quota policies for black university students, whiteness and paid domestic work. In Italy, she has worked on migration and racism and on the intersection between racism and sexism, always combining a feminist and anthropological perspective. She is currently working on whiteness and Italianness, on processes of invisibilisation of whiteness and on decolonial feminism. She has published her research in numerous articles in Italian and international journals and monographs in Italy, France, Brazil and the United States. Her latest monograph is White middle-class men in Rio de Janeiro. The making of a dominant subject, Lexington Books (2018).

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